Month: January 2015

you’ve learned another secret about me

Dear World– It’s me Tilly

I have found myself rather sentimental a lot  this year; and if possible, I’ve been thinking even more. And when I  say “if possible”—– trust me- I am a thinker. I think, analyze and think again.

So why has this come upon me with a vengeance? Is this because I am creeping ever closer to my 50th year of life? Is it just because of where I am in life’s cycle? Or is it… just…because?

We call people “sentimental” when they express unusually strong emotional attachments to events, objects, places, eras and beliefs. There are articles out there that say being too sentimental is harmful, but then there are articles on how to roast a variety of different bugs and ants for dinner- and thank you but no, while I like to consider myself an adventurous eater, I will pass on the deep-fried, and/or chocolate covered ants and bug recipes.

My point– we- as in you and I– have to use our common sense and our hearts as guides as to what is and what isn’t right for us.

It’s okay to be sentimental. A healthy appreciation for something must come with an individual’s personal acknowledgement that what we’re sentimental over is only a object with good memories. That the past has passed, and holding onto our keepsake can’t serve as a means to bring it back.

We don’t need to fear of letting go, giving away something won’t make the memory dim- the people, the place, the event, the era, the believe… they are are part of us. When you love something deeply, not having a keepsake doesn’t make it any more real, but if you want to keep it- keep it– because so what if we keep that creaky, archaic rocking chair our parents had? Even if it completely goes against the rest of the decor in your house? It means something special to you.

I have learned you can’t hold onto everything, but the items that you “love” should be kept, respected and displayed.

So yes…you’ve learned another secret about me…I am sentimental… and not nearly as ‘cold and tough’ as you think I am.
