Month: April 2011

Dear World, it’s me Tilly

Dear World;

Did you see the sunset?  Did you have a chance to see each color burst into the night sky like the explosion of fireworks as the ebony night blanket and the sun merged to create nature’s nirvana?

Dear World, It's me Tilly

Nirvana as you know is paradise.  It amazes me still that the energy of life breathes everyday for us all to see, absorb and immerse and yet so many do not catch sight of the universe’s many and precious gifts.

A constant open invitation to each psyche.  Screaming here I am, let me fill you.

Today I watched the sunrise; we smiled together- the world and I- one in energy.

I saw it set; it showed me beauty once more.

I danced in my home, to the musical notes of love.

I smiled, many times; followed with laughter.

I fed the sun, as it fed me.

I was shown home, the wind guided me.

I am discovering true love, and I am not willing to give it up, give in, or let anything get in the way of what is meant to be.

Thanks world…you’re the best.
