Month: July 2017

Today we planted flowers at your grave

July 29, 2017

Dear Mom & Dad,

Today we planted flowers at your grave. My sisters and I, your daughters times three.

No special occasion, just a sunny day in July.

Today I cried as the shovel scraped the headstone, I wanted to remember the sound of your voices, not the eerie echo of a silent stone.

Today I swallowed the sobs deep inside, trying hard to be strong, but the pain was heavy and the tears sprang free.

My sister asked if I was okay…I nodded and whispered I was fine.

Deep inside my heart I know the truth, part of me will never be alright again.

I carry on each day, honouring you by being the best person I can, a woman you can be proud of.

I miss you both so very much, love you beyond measure.

Today we planted flowers on your grave, my sisters and I, your daughters times three. A little crooked and off center, a symbol of our love, forever.